User Terms

  1. General provisions
    1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) refers to the website located at
    1.2. Website “ ” (hereinafter referred to as the Site) is the property of HouseUpp.
    1.3. The Agreement regulates the relations between HouseUpp (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) and the Site user (hereinafter referred to as the User) arising from the use of the Site.
    1.4. The Agency reserves the right to change, add or remove clauses of the Agreement at any time without notifying the User.
    1.5. The full and unconditional acceptance of the Agreement by the User is the User’s actions aimed at using the Site, including searching, viewing, studying the content of the Site, sending messages through the feedback form and other communication channels posted on the pages of the Site, as well as other actions for using the services of the Site.
    1.6. The User is personally responsible for checking the Agreement for changes in it.
  2. Terms and definitions
    2.1. The terms listed below have the following meaning for the Agreement:
    2.1.1. Website — a set of scripts and materials located on a domain name, which carries out its activities through an Internet resource and related services.
    2.1.2. User — a person who has access to the Site via the Internet and uses the Site.
    2.1.3. The Parties are jointly referred to as the Agency and the User.
    2.1.4. The Content of the Website (hereinafter referred to as the Content) — protected results of intellectual activity, including texts of literary works, their titles, prefaces, annotations, articles, illustrations, covers, musical works with or without text, graphic, textual, photographic, derivative, composite and other works, user interfaces, visual interfaces, trademark names, logos, computer programs, databases, as well as design, structure, selection, coordination, appearance, overall style and layout of Content, part of the Site and other intellectual property objects altogether and/or separately contained on the Site.
    2.1.5. Agreement — this User Agreement with all additions and changes.
  3. Subject of the agreement
    3.1. The subject of the Agreement is to provide the User with access to the information contained on the Website.
    3.1.1. The Website provides the User with the following types of services:
    3.1.2. User — a person who has access to the Site via the Internet and uses the Site.
    3.1.3. The Parties are jointly referred to as the Agency and the User.
    3.1.4. The Content of the Website (hereinafter referred to as the Content) — protected results of intellectual activity, including texts of literary works, their titles, prefaces, annotations, articles, illustrations, covers, musical works with or without text, graphic, textual, photographic, derivative, composite and other works, user interfaces, visual interfaces, trademark names, logos, computer programs, databases, as well as design, structure, selection, coordination, appearance, overall style and layout of Content, part of the Site and other intellectual property objects altogether and/or separately contained on the Site.
    3.1.5. All currently existing (actually functioning) services (services) are subject to the Agreement The Site, as well as any subsequent modifications and additional services (services) appearing in the future The site.
    3.2. The Agreement is not a public offer. By accessing the Site, the User is considered to have joined the Agreement.
    3.3. The use of the materials and services of the Website is regulated by the norms of the current legislation
  4. When We Disclose Your Personal Information
    4.1.1. To change the terms of use of the Site, as well as to change its Content. The changes come into force from the moment the new version of the Agreement is published on the Website.
    4.1.2. Restrict access to the Site in case the User violates the terms of the Agreement.
    4.1.3. Collect, accumulate, process, and use statistical data in their activities
    4.2. The User has the right to:
    4.2.1. Study the information posted on the Site, and use all the services available on the Site.
    4.2.2. Ask any questions related to the services using the details that are located in the sections of the Site.
    4.2.3. Use the Site exclusively for the purposes and in the manner provided for by the Agreement and not prohibited by law.
    4.3. The User undertakes:
    4.3.1. To provide addition
    al information at the request of the Agency that is directly related to the services provided by the Site. 4.3.2. Observe the property and non-property rights of authors and other copyright holders when using the Site.
    4.3.3. Not to take actions that may be considered as disrupting the normal operation of the Site.
  5. Use of the site
    5.1. The Website and the Content included in the Website belong to the Agency and are managed by it.
    5.2. The content of the Website may not be copied, published, reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any way, as well as posted on the global Internet without the Agency’s prior written consent.
    5.3. The content of the Website is protected by copyright, trademark law, as well as other intellectual property rights and unfair competition law.
  6. Responsibility
    6.1. Any losses that the User may incur in the event of intentional or negligent violation of any provision of the Agreement, as well as due to unauthorized access to the communications of another user, the Agency will not be reimbursed.
    6.2. The Agency is not responsible for:
    6.2.1. Delays or failures in the process of the User’s work with the Site that has arisen due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, as well as any case of malfunctions in telecommunications, computer, electrical, and other related systems.
    6.2.2. Proper functioning of the Site, if the User does not have the necessary technical means for its use, and also does not bear any obligations to provide the User with such means.
    6.3. Limitation of the Agency’s liability:
    6.3.1. All rights to the Site and the materials contained on it are protected, and violation of rights is prosecuted by the law.
  7. Violation of the terms of the User Agreement
    7.1. The Agency has the right to disclose any information collected about the User of the Site if the disclosure is necessary for connection with an investigation or complaint regarding the misuse of the Site or to establish (identify) a User who may violate or interfere with the rights of the Agency or the rights of other users of the Site.
    7.2. The Agency has the right to disclose any information about the User that it deems necessary to comply with the provisions of current legislation or court decisions, to ensure compliance with the terms of the Agreement, and to protect the rights or safety of the Agency, Users.
    7.3. The Agency has the right to disclose information about the User if the current legislation requires or permits such disclosure.
    7.4. The Agency has the right to terminate and/or block access to the Site without prior notice to the User if the User has violated the Agreement or the terms of use of the Site contained in other documents, as well as in the event of termination of the Site or due to a technical malfunction or problem.
    7.5. The Agency is not liable to the User or third parties for termination of access to the Site in case of violation by the User of any provision of the Agreement or other document containing the terms of use of the Site.
  8. Dispute Resolution
    8.1. In case of any disagreements or disputes between the Parties to the Agreement, a mandatory condition before applying to the court is the presentation of a claim (a written proposal for a voluntary settlement of the dispute).
    8.2. The recipient of the claim within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of its receipt, notifies the applicant of the claim in writing about the results of the consideration of the claim.
    8.3. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute voluntarily, either Party has the right to apply to the court for protection of their rights, which are granted to them by the current legislation.
    8.4. Any claim regarding the terms of use of the Site must be filed within the period from the moment the grounds for the claim arise, except for copyright protection for the materials of the Site protected by the legislation. In case of violation of the terms of this clause, any claim or grounds for action are extinguished by the statute of limitations.